A woman lying in bed at night, holding her chest and coughing, struggling to stop coughing and find relief for a restful sleep.

How to Stop Cough at Night: 14 Effective Remedies

Discover effective remedies on How to stop cough at night and enjoy a restful sleep. Learn how to stop cough at night by simple tips and remedies. 

A woman coughing into her fist while holding her chest, appearing uncomfortable and in distress trying to How to Stop Cough at Night

A persistent cough at night can be stressful, lead to restless nights, and leave you exhausted the next day. It’s important to get better in any condition, whether the cough is due to a cold, allergies, or something else. In this article, we’ll find effective remedies and tips on how to stop cough at night to help you get a peaceful night’s rest.

Effective Remedies on How to Stop Cough at Night:

Elevate Your Head:

Putting an extra pillow under your head while sleeping is a good practice to stop coughing while sleeping. This will keep mucus not to gather in your throat. Elevating your upper body also reduces the effect of acid reflux, which can reduce coughing.

Stay Hydrated:

Particularly at night, dry throat can make coughing worse. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. This will keep your throat moist and helps thin mucus, which reduces the throat irritation at night. Take warm liquids before going to bed like herbal teas or honey in hot water. Warm drinks before bed can prove very calming.

Use a Humidifier:

In the winter months when the indoor heating systems dry up the air and this dry air makes your throat dry leading to cough. Adding moisture in your room by using a humidifier is a good option. This will help relieve sore throat and reduce coughing.

Avoid Irritants: 

A nightly cough can be brought on by a number of irritants, including smoke, dust, strong perfumes, and many other environmental variables. Therefore, it is best to avoid them. Aim to keep your bedroom tidy and clear of these irritants; you may also want to use air purifiers to help purify the air. Avoid passive smoking as well as smoking yourself.

Honey Before Bed:  

Honey is a best and natural cough reducer and can calm the throat. Try to take a teaspoon of honey in warm water before going to bed, to help reduce coughing and enhance the overall comfort of your sleep. However, avoid giving honey to children under one year old.

Gargle with Salt Water:

Try to gargle with lukewarm salt water before going to bed. This is a simple yet effective remedy for helping a sore throat and lessen coughing. Salt water has the great ability to destroy bacteria, lessen inflammation in the throat, and soften mucus, making it easy to remove. Mix half teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle for about 30 seconds. Repeat two to three times, especially before going to bed. This will calm your throat and give you relief to enjoy peaceful sleep.

Use Essential Oils:

Peppermint, Eucalyptus and many other essential oils contain powerful qualities that can help clear the airways and lessen coughing. Mix a few drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water and breathe in the steam as it proves to be a powerful remedy. The other option is that you can use a diffuser in your bedroom.

Avoid Dairy Before Bed:

For some people, dairy products can worsen cough and thicken their mucus which leads to persistent cough. If milk, cheese or other dairy products make your cough worse then try not to take milk or other dairy products in the evening and before going to bed to reduce nighttime coughing.

Take an Over-the-Counter Cough Suppressant:

Consider using cough suppressants because they have the ability to stop cough reflex, which temporarily stops persistent cough and gives you relief at night. Look for a suppressant that contains dextromethorphan, because it effectively lessens coughing during the night. Be careful to follow the dosage instructions carefully.

Stay Upright for a While After Eating:

If your cough is related to acid reflux GERD, then you should stay upright for at least 30 minutes after dinner. It can help prevent stomach acid from flowing back into your throat and triggering a cough. Eating not too much and avoiding spicy food can also prevent nighttime cough and reduce reflux.

Drink Warm Broth or Tea:

Drinking warm and soothing liquids like broth or herbal tea before bed can keep your throat moist, reduce irritation and give you a calming effect. Adding ingredients like ginger, chamomile, or licorice root in teas can also provide anti-inflammatory and calming effects, reducing the likelihood of a nighttime cough.

Consider a Decongestant:

An over-the-counter decongestant may help if cough is caused by postnasal drip or nasal congestion. Decongestants reduce mucus production and the urge to cough by narrowing the blood vessels in the nasal passages.

Practice Good Sleep Hygiene:

Create a comfortable sleep environment. This can make a big difference in maintaining nighttime coughs. Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. Before going to bed, stay away from large meals, alcohol, and caffeine as these may worsen a cough or keep you up at night.

Seek Medical Advice:

If your cough doesn’t go away after trying all these remedies then you should definitely consult with your doctor. Persistent coughing at night may indicate a more serious illness that has to be treated, such as GERD, asthma, or a respiratory infection.

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Easy cures on how to stop cough at night like gargling with salt water, elevating your head, staying hydrated, avoiding dairy before bed and using a humidifier or honey and many more as mentioned above, will really help ease your throat and stop that bothersome cough. However, if these tips don’t bring relief, it’s wise to consult a doctor to rule out any underlying issues. With a bit of persistence and care, you can overcome that nighttime cough and wake up feeling refreshed, ready to take on the day.


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